3 Common Tax Return Mistakes Redding People Can Easily Avoid

3 Common Tax Return Mistakes Redding People Can Easily Avoid

According to a survey by the American Cleaning Institute, 80% of Americans plan to spring clean this year.What’s funny is that same percentage of people would rather spring clean than take care of their taxes.I get it.While I understand that sentiment (taxes take...
5 Income Tax Deductions Redding Taxpayers Overlook

5 Income Tax Deductions Redding Taxpayers Overlook

Are we out of the inflation hole yet? (A curious mind wants to know…)Well, according to the Fed, they’re waiting a little bit longer to confirm that. The good news for now is no new interest rate hikes and maybe even some cuts down the road. That spells good...
Dennis Fritz’s Practical Guide to Stop Getting Spam Email

Dennis Fritz’s Practical Guide to Stop Getting Spam Email

I hate to be THAT person (you know, a nag) but because we’re about to enter March, I want to put this reminder in front of you yet again: time to get your 2023 taxes filed. April 15 is about 6 weeks away. It seems like plenty of time but also not enough to take...
Eleven Ways Redding People Can Improve Financially Security

Eleven Ways Redding People Can Improve Financially Security

These days, I’m often glad that it’s our busy tax filing season, so that I have an easy excuse when political conversations are happening: Oh THAT [crazy new political story]? Huh, didn’t see it — I’m too busy with tax season.With all of the...